[音樂•ABC] Sarah Mclachlan - Angel 歌詞 Sarah Mclachlan-Angel的歌詞,試聽及視頻MTV。好歌聽得見,愛歌有歌詞,音樂ABC。 ... Spend all your time waiting for that second chance for a break that would make it okay there's always some reason to feel not good enough
SARAH MCLACHLAN - ANGEL LYRICS Sarah McLachlan - Angel Lyrics. Spend all your time waiting For that second chance For a break that would make it okay There's always some reason To feel not good enough An
西洋歌曲英翻中對照歌詞:Angel - Sarah McLachlan / 天使- 莎拉麥克 ... 2010年10月23日 ... Angel - Sarah McLachlan / 天使- 莎拉麥克勞蘭Spend all your time waiting for that second chance 用全部的時間等待第二次...
Angel 歌詞Sarah McLachlan ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 Angel Lyrics:Sarah Mclachlan Music:Sarah Mclachlan Spend all your time waiting, For that second chance For a break that would make it okay There's always ...
Angel 歌詞Sarah McLachlan ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 Angel 電影X情人主題曲Lyrics:Sarah Mclachlan Music:Sarah Mclachlan Spend all your time waiting, For that second chance For a break that would make it okay ...
Angel(In the Arms of the Angel)歌詞附翻譯 - 大麻花茶 - 痞客邦PIXNET 2008年10月26日 ... City of Angels(X情人) 主題曲:Angel 主唱:Sarah McLachlan Angel Sarah McLachlan◎漢化:ZoeSpend all you.
Angel 天使之城插曲中英字幕-Sarah Mclachlan (莎拉克劳克兰 ... 2012年10月5日 - 4 分鐘 - 上傳者:easydl1 美國電影《天使之城》的傷感插曲, 鋼琴的唯美旋律,哀傷迷惘的歌詞和Sarah 空靈的 聲音能唱進你的靈魂裡去,讓你微醉,勾起你所有 ...
Sarah McLachlan - Angel @ 架空馬戲團:: 痞客邦PIXNET :: Sarah McLachlan - Angel ... 又有激昂之處,常常以配樂的角色出現於歐美的影視 作品;而歌詞的部份,更是柔美悲傷得令人屏息。 ... You're in the arms of the Angel
Sarah McLachlan Angel Lyrics | Lyrics007 Read guaranteed accurate human-edited Sarah McLachlan Angel lyrics from lyrics007.